You will also find our brief conversations with licensed marriage and family therapist Mary Kay Cocharo, LMFT, and Dr. Nicholas Jenner. Mary Kay has 30 years of experience guiding couples with conflict resolution and deepening communication, while Dr. Jenner has been helping people cope with codependency for the last 20 years.
A marriage and family therapist shares some regular joy boosters that make a marriage thrive.
As a couples therapist, I have heard from many husbands and wives over the years about what they long to hear from their partners. Most of us lead fast-paced lives with careers, children, social obligations, and other activities. Sometimes, in all of that busyness, we fail to deliver the words our spouses need to experience love and joy in the relationship.
June 7, 2024
We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Mary Kay Cocharo a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
June 5, 2024
Personal connection happens in the small things, and when life gets challenging, the small things are the first to go. Relationship therapist Mary Kay Cocharo talked to us about the common negative relationship patterns she sees in couples, along with the various treatment approaches she takes to help.
Oct 27, 2023
Most people don’t realize how bad these things sound.
September 19, 2023
As a Marriage Therapist with over 30 years of experience, I frequently receive calls from cisgender women in heterosexual relationships with a similar question. One of the most common questions is, “How can I get my partner to go to Couples Therapy?”
Sep 15, 2023
People have a natural tendency to wonder what’s going on in their intimate relationships, and we often are looking for an easy way to see how healthy your relationship with your romantic partner actually is. Of course, there is no one way figure out if your relationship is healthy. We all know that abuse, control and manipulation aren’t healthy — but outside of these extremes, what does a healthy relationship feel like?
June 10, 2023
As a couples therapist for over 34 years, I respect the uniqueness of each couple who calls to set up an appointment. At the same time, I recognize the familiar patterns of disconnection that couples bring to my office. In those moments, it would seem that all of life is a long series of connections, ruptures, and repairs.
April 17, 2023
As a therapist, it’s important to have effective couples exercises at your disposal for as many situations as possible. This article is the response from licensed therapists and relationship professionals on what they believe to be their most effective couples therapy intervention. Here’s what they had to say.
April 10, 2023
Mary Kay was interviewed by ShoutoutLA for this in depth profile.
February 23, 2023
Mary Kay facilitated a discussion of the second season of HBO’s White Lotus, a comedy portraying a cast of characters as they vacation for a week in a Sicilian resort. She observed the relationships and shifting dynamics among the characters, and, similar to people in real life, their unpredictability.
December 13, 2022
As a therapist, people often ask me if I can share relationship advice about what it takes to have a healthy marriage or a healthy relationship. So, I began thinking about the best relationship advice for couples of all relationship phases – married couples, long-term couples, newly dating couples, struggling couples, and so on. While all couples are unique, filled with people who have individual needs and wants, it may come down to simply seven essential items for a healthy and long-lasting relationship.
October 3, 2022
Today we’d like to introduce you to Mary Kay Cocharo.
I’ve been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for about 33 years. Although I received my graduate degree at California Lutheran University, I moved to Houston, Texas for four years to pursue an Internship at Galveston Family Institute and then a Fellowship at Houston Child Guidance Center. There, I worked with children and their families.
October 5, 2021
Were you shocked when you heard about the famous chef and world traveler Anthony Bourdain’s suicide? How did you feel if you watched the documentary about Anthony Bourdain’s life – Roadrunner? Many people were in complete shock that someone like Anthony, who seemed to have it all in life, would struggle and die by suicide.
August 30, 2021
More and more people are asking themselves, “What is the purpose of marriage? Do we need or even want to be married anymore? What does it take to have true companionship?”
January 22, 2021
No matter how healthy your relationship is, it’s normal to experience rocky patches. Whether it’s communication, intimacy, or trust issues, a couple’s therapist can help both partners gain new insight and guide their efforts to repair or improve their bond.
November 30, 2020
We had the good fortune of connecting with Mary Kay Cocharo and we’ve shared our conversation below.
About 25 years ago, I read Getting the Love you Want, by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. It deeply impacted my life, both professionally and personally.
May 12, 2020
Four ways to keep your relationship healthy when you’re stuck inside with one another forever.
April, 2020
Mary Kay Cocharo, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Elite Daily that “It’s important to directly negotiate each of your needs for distance and for connection. Don’t assume that under stress, your partner wants and needs what you do. Everyone processes adversity and loss in different ways.”
Mary Kay Cocharo and relationship experts agree that facing adversity as a team offers the opportunity not only to learn new things about each other but also to improve your communication skills.
March, 2020
Mary Kay Cocharo, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Elite Daily that many of her clients — even in the strongest relationships — are bickering more than ever now that they’ve been forced to adjust to new living and working conditions. “It takes conscious awareness to stay loving and kind, to accept each other and to celebrate our differences,” she explains. “During a crisis, your emotional brain can hijack the thinking brain, and you go from responding lovingly to reacting.”
Mary Kay Cocharo and relationship experts share their go-to strategies for managing the stress as a team, while also feeling closer than ever before.
July, 2019
Mary Kay answers questions about her experience as a couples therapist. A few of the questions in this article: “What do you enjoy most and least about what you do?”, “How do you handle difficult clients?”, “What were the first months of your business like, and what was the pace of it’s growth?”
March 26, 2019 Written by Helen Donahue for Playboy Online
… This all may and should all sound startling, but any mental health expert would agree that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Bieber’s willingness to open up and be vulnerable about his internal battles not just with Vogue but to the public, through social media, is a huge step forward for men, as Mary Kay Cocharo LMFT a Relationship and Family Therapist validates what we should all know by now: that there’s a striking stigma surrounding mental health efforts made by men, meaning most never seek help; rather, they bottle their emotions up.
An interview by Marilyn McMahon, News-Press Staff Writer
January 29, 2019 Issue of Santa Barbara News-Press
Do you feel the energy between you and your partner is flat and boring?
Do you want to recapture the joy and happiness you once had?
Are you having the same arguments over and over again?
Do you want to overcome destructive patterns that are making you unhappy?
Mary Kay Cocharo, who calls herself The Couples Therapist, thinks she might have the answer to these problems during a perfectly timed weekend retreat for five couples. with Contribution by Mary Kay Cocharo, LMFT
If your marriage is undergoing choppy waters, it’s time you come together and take time out of your busy schedule and focus on addressing marital concerns.
Marriage counseling can serve as an excellent platform to confront the issues that are plaguing your marriage. It also equips you to find common ground while staying accountable and respectful toward each other with the help of expert marriage counselors.
By Alison Bowen with Contribution by Mary Kay Cocharo, LMFT
Splitting up is hard enough without squabbling over real estate.
But that’s exactly what happens when many couples divorce, if they own property. Some might disagree on who keeps a home or how to sell it. And the stress can add to already-heightened emotions.
Valentine’s day is almost here, the day that makes most singles go crazy with anxiousness and anticipation. On one hand, it makes you dream about the endless possibilities how your crush might ask you out on a date, on the other, it makes you fret ending up alone on that day. Well, if you keep on dreaming there are chances that your Valentine’s day won’t be any different from the other days (only a tad bit upsetting maybe).
An Interview by Jessica Lollino for this article written for
Mary Kay Cocharo didn’t plan on becoming a couples therapist early on in her career, but during a conversation with the dean of an MBA program she was considering, he asked her, “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be a psychologist?” That made Mary Kay stop and think.
October 2017 Issue of VoyageLA
Mary Kay, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
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START RIGHT, STAY CONNECTED: A Workshop for Engaged Couples DATES: To be Announced –DETAILS
2-Day Intimate Couples Retreat: A Journey That Will Transform Your Relationship DATES: To be Announced –DETAILS
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