The 6 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice to Write in a Card

The 6 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice to Write in a Card

You’ve been invited to a wedding. You bought a new suit or dress and perhaps some new shoes. You shopped for a lovely gift and spent 15 minutes in front of the cards, carefully selecting the perfect one. But wait, shouldn’t you write something a little personal inside? For when merely signing your name feels all wrong, here are six best pieces of marriage advice to write in the card.

1) Congratulations on your Marriage

When I was a young woman, my mother warned me to never congratulate a bride for getting married. She told me that it would make her sound like an old maid who just got lucky. I seem to remember, however, that it was okay to congratulate the groom who presumably did just land a catch! Perhaps, if you must congratulate them, say something like this, “Congratulations! It’s not easy to find the love of your life, but you did. Now that you’ve found each other, remember to nourish your relationship always.”

2) Best Wishes

This is a good saying, but a little lazy. Best Wishes for what? How about, “Best wishes for a life filled with love, good health, happiness, and abundance in all things. To create this life together, dream your wildest dreams, your highest aspirations, and speak them often. Be specific about your shared vision and remember to visit it often!”

3) Make Sacred the Space Between You

“Between the two of you there is a space. It is there that your relationship lives. You are both completely responsible for sanctifying that space. Remember to fill it with careful listening, deep compassion, respect, kind gestures, and affection. Your future children will live in the space you create–make it sacred!”

4) Learn to say Hello and Goodbye

“All of life is coming together and going apart. Remember to greet one another with eye gaze, kind words, hugs and kisses when you wake up in the morning, when you leave for the day, when you come home at night and before you go to sleep. Small moments of connection mean the world to the health of your marriage!”

5) Live by the Platinum Rule

You’ve heard of the Golden Rule, right? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That’s a nice sentiment, but in marriage it’s far better to live by the Platinum Rule. You could write, “Always remember the Platinum Rule: do unto one another as your spouse would have you do! Learn each others Love Languages and offer your love in the way that nourishes each of you best.”

6) Turn Toward One Another

There are so many ways that we make bids for connection in marriage. Let the newlyweds know what to do when their partner is seeking love or attention. “Always turn toward one another with love and attention. Never turn away, causing each other to feel neglected or ignored. Never ever turn against one another in anger, frustration or contempt. Learn to communicate well in order to stay deeply connected.”


Writing some version of these pieces of marriage advice is sure to get your card saved for years to come. I hope that you enjoy the wedding and that your new shoes don’t hurt your feet! harmony reigns joi. busty face spunked teen. fappening blog